February marks our KINDERMUSIK KICKOFF! The Infant & Toddler (ITP) Team came up with the idea of offering our own music program to our youngest students, and today, William Poe – a teacher’s assistant in the ITP – hosted the first set of classes. Kindermusik is designed to connect with every child’s unique learning style. Our classroom teachers become an extension of Kindermusik as they lead their children through playful, interactive, and developmentally appropriate music and movement activities. The all-inclusive curriculum kits and Teach-Along audio systems provide tools that make it easy for teachers to facilitate while participating in the activities, assessing their students, and having fun.

The benefits of music are truly transformational. When paired with movement and instrument play, it creates neurological magic, lighting up a child’s brain and positively impacting all areas of development.

The study, practice, and discipline of making music gives the brain and body a complete workout. Activities are designed to encourage multi-sensory learning, which employs and integrates several senses at once, stimulating multiple areas of the brain.Children experience music of varying styles, genres, and cultures, and they interact with other peers and engage in movement, rhythm, and vocal activities that develop far more than just music skills.